Pam Vaughan
author | speaker | illuminator
Missy Wants a Mammoth
Available now wherever books are sold!
For signed copies:
Tenacious Won't Give Up
Available Summer 2025
Friends and Anemones: Ocean Poems for Children
Friends and Anemones: Ocean Poems for Children. This is The Writers' Loft's third Anthology. It's full of fun poems and haikus and amazing artwork by over 60 New England authors and illustrators. This anthology will include my poem, A Quilly Question, which is a riddle! I hope you have fun figuring it out!
An Assortment of Animals
My poem, Dog Gone, is a part of this wonderful book - An Assortment of Animals anthology which is an illustrated collection of original poems about all kinds of animals by a great bunch of New England authors and artists. The talented Bob Thibeault illustrated my poem (right).
This is collection of stories based on the theme, firsts. My piece, My First Race, is about perseverance.